Thursday, January 31, 2013

The HVAC guys help train my dog

nyumm nyumm nyumm
There's nothing like having new duct work installed in your house and using it as an all day training exercise for your puppy!  I know alot of dogs that would be freaked out by all the banging, the drilling, the coming & going (and there's even some singing). OH but not Elvis! It's a chance for him to make friends and follow them around the house and then ambush them when they're kneeling on the floor to smell their caps and lick their ears (and of course whine when they go back downstairs and stop paying attention to him). For me it's a good chance to work on his social skills and how NOT to jump on people when they come over...and a good chance to work on his recall. Every time the workers come up from the basement Elvis runs to greet them, then I call him back (and he comes a'runnin).  I'm also throwing in a little "gently take a treat from my mouth" training. Mmmm salty! (closed course; professional driver; dont try this at home!)  Gonna go through ALOT of treats today....They didn't put THAT in the work estimate!

Shameless plug:  Silvia HVAC 508-946-5377  ask for Colleen or Bob and tell 'em Amy & Elvis sent you!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Well, time has flown by and my once little, baby-boy Elvis is turning into quite the handsome young man. At 8 months old (today) and 71 lbs he's as big as most of the adult dogs in daycare so needless to say when he's done a'growin he's going to be a beast. A sweet beast though.  He's just so happy and lovable all the time and just wants to play, play, play. He's great with other dogs and shares his toys and food; well maybe share isn't the word. It's more like he taunts the other dogs to chase him with his food and toys in a very na-na-na-na-naa-na-you-can't-get-me way. But when he's done being silly, he's not possessive of toys and food. His favorite toy is, you guessed it, a tennis ball. The world stops for a tennis ball. Sure, he'll settle for some other cylindrical object but a tennis ball is the Pièce de résistance. Oh and sticks. He loves a good stick. Hey, he's a green dog what can I say; very concerned about the environment.  And the burning question you're all wondering is how many nick-names does he have? Oh you people know me so well! Mostly I call him Baby-Boy (pronounced b-a-a-a-yby boy) but I also call him Doopie. I know; you're thinking wtf is doopie? Well, let me explain...When I take him outside to do his "business" I tell him to do peepie-poopie-doodies and that kind of morphed into go poopie-doops then into poopie doopie.  POOF the nickname Doopie was born like a five pound baby mud cat. Oh i know you think I'm nuckin futs, who doesn't? But if you think that's nuts you should really read one of my very early blog posts Whats In A Name and you'll fully understand the depths of my lunacy. And by the way spell checker is going to have a field day with this post! I keep spellchecker employed for sure....hope she doesn't ask for a raise.