Saturday, January 19, 2013


Well, time has flown by and my once little, baby-boy Elvis is turning into quite the handsome young man. At 8 months old (today) and 71 lbs he's as big as most of the adult dogs in daycare so needless to say when he's done a'growin he's going to be a beast. A sweet beast though.  He's just so happy and lovable all the time and just wants to play, play, play. He's great with other dogs and shares his toys and food; well maybe share isn't the word. It's more like he taunts the other dogs to chase him with his food and toys in a very na-na-na-na-naa-na-you-can't-get-me way. But when he's done being silly, he's not possessive of toys and food. His favorite toy is, you guessed it, a tennis ball. The world stops for a tennis ball. Sure, he'll settle for some other cylindrical object but a tennis ball is the Pièce de résistance. Oh and sticks. He loves a good stick. Hey, he's a green dog what can I say; very concerned about the environment.  And the burning question you're all wondering is how many nick-names does he have? Oh you people know me so well! Mostly I call him Baby-Boy (pronounced b-a-a-a-yby boy) but I also call him Doopie. I know; you're thinking wtf is doopie? Well, let me explain...When I take him outside to do his "business" I tell him to do peepie-poopie-doodies and that kind of morphed into go poopie-doops then into poopie doopie.  POOF the nickname Doopie was born like a five pound baby mud cat. Oh i know you think I'm nuckin futs, who doesn't? But if you think that's nuts you should really read one of my very early blog posts Whats In A Name and you'll fully understand the depths of my lunacy. And by the way spell checker is going to have a field day with this post! I keep spellchecker employed for sure....hope she doesn't ask for a raise. 


  1. What Amy fails to mention is that Ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-aby boy is produced in a very high register- almost in dog-only hearing range. Sometimes, people in the immediate vicinity cringe a bit. But dogs really pay attention.

  2. what she also fails to mention is she also sings frank sinatra's "doo-bee-doo-bee-doooo" to me. she's wacked! -Elvis


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